Professional Executor
Personal Representative/ Estate Trustee
The individual that will represent you after you are deceased is commonly known as your executor. But in some jurisdictions, they are known as your personal representative, and in Ontario, they are referred to as your “estate trustee”. The choice of your executor is vital, as this person will need to make significant decisions on the execution and administration of the estate.
By choosing Kulbak Trust as the executor of your estate, you can be assured that your estate will be administered in a manner consistent with your wishes. We deal with all family concerns with empathy and fairness, and ensure your estate is settled with no conflicts of interest and maximum benefit to your beneficiaries.
We understand that family dynamics may necessitate a family member or other trusted individual being appointed as your executor. In such cases, we can be designated in the will as a co-executor, an alternate, or an estate's monitor. In some situations, the chosen executor may be willing to delegate duties to another individual or firm, and in these cases, we will assume these responsibilities as the estate's agent.

Sample of Services Provided
Coordinating funeral arrangements as specified in the Will or if not specified in consultation with surviving family members and/or loved ones
Locating and compiling a detailed inventory of assets of the estate and registering such assets into the name of the estate
Ensuring that the estate assets are safeguarded while the estate is being administered by hiring, if need be, experts such as investment managers or real estate property managers
Lead or assist in the administration of the probate process and obtaining from the Probate Court a Grant of Administration (the legal document which provides the executor with the power to administer the estate)
Handling and filing of tax returns related to the estate and the testator and applying for income tax clearance certificates
Filing claims for life insurance and pension benefits
Arranging, where necessary, for insurance on the estate assets
Publishing advertisements for creditors of the estate
Distributing specifically identified items to named beneficiaries;
Dealing with any legal claims against the estate
Upon receipt of the income tax clearance certificates, making the final distribution of the remaining estate assets to the named beneficiaries